Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Day 37 Tuesday

Congratulations to all of our winners!  Check DOJO under Class Stories to view the presentation from our virtual awards ceremony.  I am so proud of all of you for your hard work this year!

Mrs. Ellis

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Day 34 Thursday

Boys and girls, we will have our virtual awards ceremony on Tuesday at 7:30.  I hope you can make it!

Mrs. Ellis

Monday, May 4, 2020

Day 31 Monday

May the 4th be with you!

I hope you all had a good weekend!  Do your parents celebrate May 4th as a Star Wars Day?   (We really don't, but I've been seeing pictures all over facebook).  The picture above was probably Halloween, 2006.  Ephraim was Yoda, Matthew was Darth Vader, and Nathan was Anakin Skywalker.

Have a great day!  

Mrs. Ellis

Friday, May 1, 2020

Day 30 Friday

Good morning, boys and girls!  I hope you have a great day today and this weekend!  I have a science assignment for you today...  if you are able to get outside in the next few days, look for signs of new life.  Tadpoles should be hatching, flowers are blooming, and birds and other animals have new babies.  These are some of the sights I've seen:

I found this bird nest in my backyard.  
I couldn't see any babies, so I think the Mom is still sitting on eggs.

I saw these baby ducks a few weeks ago.  
In the next picture, you will see that they already look like teenagers!

I miss you guys!

Mrs. Ellis

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 29 Thursday

Good morning, boys and girls!  I want to let you know about the assignments on Reading Wonders this week. 

The spelling words for this week would have been words with syllables that have the Sneaky E spelling pattern.  Here's a reminder about Sneaky E:

Here are the words that would have been our spelling words this week:

The stories have a science theme (energy / power).  I assigned two stories that have AR quizzes.  I put the AR Quiz number in thee notes for each assignment.

Have a great day!

Mrs. Ellis

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 28 Wednesday

Good morning, boys and girls!  I'm going to assign some lessons on fractions on IXL this week.  Here are a few videos to help you remember what you learned in 1st grade:

Have a great day!

 Mrs. Ellis

P.S. I'm going to put he link for my new read-aloud, Double Fudge, on the right.  

Friday, April 24, 2020

Day 25 - Friday

Have you had a chance to listen to the two chapter books I've read aloud to you?

They are really funny - I hope you are able tol listen to them!  The links are on the right under "pages."

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Ellis